500 most important German verbs 126 - 150

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to visit
You have to visit me some day.
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Du musst mich eines Tages besuchen.
to swear
also: to swear (curse)
I swear I didn't eat your cake!
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auch: schmipfen/ fluchen
Ich schwöre, dass ich deinen Kuchen nicht gegessen habe.
to smell (use sense of smell)
Smell the flowers!
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Riech die Blumen!
to solve
Alcohol won't solve your problems.
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Alkohol löst deine Probleme nicht.
to forgive
I've already forgiven you.
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auch: vergeben
Ich habe dir schon verziehen.
to approach
also: to come closer
Easter is approaching!
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sich nähern
Ostern nähert sich!
to get up
I hate getting up early in the morning.
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Ich hasse frühmorgens aufzustehen.
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